I think the saddest part is that she has to look for someone passionate about a religion. Instead of being passionate about her, shared hobbies and real interests.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Desperate 67 year old JW sister looking for a mate at Eharmony!
by Iamallcool infew minutes ago, i was at eharmony.
one lady said at her profile that she is passionate about serving jehovah.
she is like 67 years old!
Should Blood Transfusions be forced?
by Fisherman in1.there are times when a doctor decides that the only life saving medical treatment -short of a miracle- is a blood transfusion.
in such a case, what should be done when a person refuses treatment on religious grounds and why?.
2. should a person be allowed to "mutilate" his body and why?.
just fine
People should be allowed to make their own informed decisions. If people refuse blood or mutilate their bodies it is none of my business.
However when a religion mandates and coerces that course of action - I have a problem. Most rational people can make decisions, and adjust those decisions as situations develop. The Jehovah's Witness religion make the decision for people (no blood) without regard to the situation at hand, and allow for no change in the decision regardless of the information presented.
Why are Republican's so consistantly dishonest?
by Coded Logic init hasn't gone unnoticed that the republicans who are saying, "we need to get to the bottom of the obama wiretapping" and "let's investigate this" - are the same people, when it comes to trump's russian ties, who are saying, "we shouldn't look at this at all - it's just a bunch of lies and hype.".
no evidence whatsoever for claims about obama need a congressional investigation.
but mountains of evidence about trump with more coming out everyday can be swept under the rug.
just fine
Republicans are not any more (or less) dishonest than Democrats. Let's not start this again.........
Stop Jehovah's Witnesses from posting outside of Disneyland
by Roberto Carlos inplease sign petition to have disneyland stop jw's preaching outside gate.
click here to sign petition (not spam, real link).
jehovah's witnesses have been involved in vast amount of pedophilia cases.
just fine
I got the standard response that they will look into it and review the permissions given. Meaning the JWs have permission to be there. I didn't mention the child abuse issue. I talked about the shunning issue and the homophobia and how the happiest place on earth should be one of inclusiveness and tolerance, not hate. Maybe if they hear from enough rational people......
Stop Jehovah's Witnesses from posting outside of Disneyland
by Roberto Carlos inplease sign petition to have disneyland stop jw's preaching outside gate.
click here to sign petition (not spam, real link).
jehovah's witnesses have been involved in vast amount of pedophilia cases.
just fine
VI - no it was not a grunt worker. The grunt worker refused to do anything. And I kept at it and got a higher level supervisor who said there isn't anything they can do. I also wrote to their corporate governance office. Believe it or not I am not an idiot.
Stop Jehovah's Witnesses from posting outside of Disneyland
by Roberto Carlos inplease sign petition to have disneyland stop jw's preaching outside gate.
click here to sign petition (not spam, real link).
jehovah's witnesses have been involved in vast amount of pedophilia cases.
just fine
Disney isn't interested in fixing this. I had tickets and asked them to stop the JWs from doing this or refund my ticket price. They refunded my ticket price........
Looking forward to going to Memorial this year!
by kpop ini have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
just fine
It's a special night for them. Just because you don't agree with their teachings doesn't mean you should disrupt it. I don't believe in Easter either ( other than dinner), but I wouldn't go ruin Easter Mass for the Catholics.
This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe
by cofty insometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
just fine
Cold Steel " happiness and prosperity is all tied to prosperity". That is a crock of shit and you know it. There are many prosperous and happy people who do not believe in any sort of religious ideology, much less the craziness of Mormons.
All religions make up shit to further whatever agenda they have. Mormons made up a whole book, given to a crook on golden tablets only he could read. It tells of the Lamanites, Nephites, and others who supposedly came to North America, and yet there is not a shred of historical evidence to support it. All religions have their own delusions. Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses just think their beliefs make them morally superior to everyone else. It must be hard being the chosen one of God.
This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe
by cofty insometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
just fine
I agree, if God exists and is all powerful, surely he could make it clear. I pointed out to a Mormon once - so you are telling me God cares whether you drink hot beverages, but he doesn't care about the millions starving to death?
Its all made up bullshit no matter who is peddling their brand of it.
Shunning - Are Mothers Most Fanatical?
by Lostandfound inon many posts by those with experience of df or da shunning, it look to me that the most fanatical observers of the shunning practise are mothers, and when a person approached parents about their own doubts or intentions, approaching the mother the most daunting prospect .
odd that visiting warwick leaflet has a picture of a meeting of some sort with a room comprising men only, given the subordinate role given to women, one might think they would be more liberal over shunning close ones, but not so.. what drives this, is it grabbing an opportunity to be more visible by their loyalty, or low level of education of a lot of dubs so that the sisters blindly accept direction or authority.
i might have expected some kick back against the shunning practise by sisters giving evidence to their independence of thought.. our real thinkers here will be able to explain this fanaticism of loyalty better.
just fine
My sister and her husband are horrible to their disfellowshipped child. She goes out of her way to be cruel. Even my very in parents think it is over the top, the way she acts. Her husband just goes along with her.